Everyone is very excited about the "revelation" than in order to do their APT1 paper, Mandiant (according to Sanger) hacked back. But that's not the only stunner in the book. He also points to a WMD-level cyber capability leveraged against both Iran and Russia by the United States. There are a ton of unsubstantiated claims in the book, and the conclusion is a call for "Cyber Arms Control" which feels unsupported and unspecified. But Sanger has clearly drunk deeply of the Microsoft Kool-Aid.
But to the point of the (alleged) hack-back: We should have long ago developed a public policy for this, since everyone agrees it is happening, but we seem unable to do so even in the broadest strokes. I think part of the problem is that we are always asking ourselves what we want the cyber norms to be, instead of what they actually are. I'm not sure why. It seems like an obvious place to start.
This is the only mention of Kaspersky in the book - a noted absence... |
This is...a threat of a WMD via Cyber. |
Is this new? |
This is a chilling projection. |
This is not good reporting right here. |
Sheesh. |
Hahahahah. DO THEY? |
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